Mahou Sentai Magiranger
#1 & #2
"The Morning the Journey Begins"
& "Bring out Courage, Magi, Magi, Magical"
Power Rangers Mystic Force
#1 & #2
"Broken Spell"
All 5 Rangers are siblings. 1+0+6 = Morph
(Maji, Maji, Majiro)
Only Vida (Pink) and Madison (Blue)
are Siblings, the rest are friends
1+2+3 = Morph
(Galwit, Mysto, Ranger)
After the first
Magiranger battle, Wolzard grows and attacks the rangers, while they are still
morphed |
[EDITED] Occuring before they
even get their morphers, the rangers are attacked by Giant Knight Wolf.
Oh, Lets add trees to cover the Magirangers, and lets put some on the hindlegs
while were at it! |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[CUT] A Teeny bit of the battle was snipped,
probably for time, Nothing content wise was missed. |
[N/A] |
Now, after MagiMorther's defeat, she is dead,
the snow symbolizes her dead spirit, the music was powerful that someone was
killed, and the sense of loss is felt. |
Udonna just
demorphs, the snow symbolizes nothing. |
[N/A] |
[ADDED] Each
Mystic Force ranger gets an added scene of attacking. Well they need to show off
right? RIGHT? |
[CUT] MagiGreen ponders what he could do with
a stick |
[N/A] |
No pondering, he
just throws. |
[CUT] A brief shot of the Hidiacs wrapped in
vines. |
[N/A] |
I hope they
don't do that all the time . |
[CUT] After MagiGreen landblasts the hidiacs,
he runs through with his axe and slices them. Then he does the classic
"Checkmate" pose |
Funny, this is
cut, but the "Checkmate" clip was used for Xander's videography profile. |
[CUT] Hidiacs walking into the water where
MagiBlue is standing |
[N/A] |
Yeah they are
already there when it comes to Madison. |
[CUT] After MagiBlue does her water blast
attack, a Hidiac pops up from the water, then she bats it away. |
[N/A] |
Yet, she bats
one away after she blasts, where did it come from? |
[CUT] After the hidiac gets batted away, he
pops up again with cute little stars around his head, showing dizziness. Then
Magiblue tells it of his horoscope... okay.. |
Disney doesn't like cute. |

MagiPink transforms into a Pink Fan. |

Remember when I said Disney didn't like cute? This fits as well.
But it makes sense, they made Vida a tough girl, this is really out of character
for her.
Changed to big butterfly wings. |
Wolzard's attacks the rangers |
This attack does
happen, but it is put in Nick's Sight beyond si--err wrong show.. Uhh.. Magic
Vision!.. yeah that works >.> |
[CUT] MagiGreen face is close to the tip of
Wolzard's sword before he strikes |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
Kai kicks a soda can to stop Wolzard from
striking. |
Instead of a
soda can, Nick runs up, jumps with his bike, then jumps OFF the bike to kick
Korag 's shield. The bike.... just..wanders off, you never see it again. |
[CUT] MagiRed slices a hidiac's head
revealinga slimey ugly face |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
Most of the Magiranger footage of Red fighting
WAS indeed cut out. Just to have Nick show off. |
needs to show off! Like all premieres need! |
MagiRed does his flying fire attack. |
Um.. Apparently
SPD's Shadow Ranger couldn't have fire. Neither can Mystic Red.
Now he just has particles...Is that what his power is? Seesh what was
he posing in front of eariler? Gee it wasn't fire! |