Mahou Sentai Magiranger Episodes
#2 & #3
"Bring out Courage, Magi, Magi, Magical" &
"Ride the Magical Dragon, Magi, Jilma, Jinga"
Power Rangers Mystic Force
"Code Breakers"
[N/A] |
[ADDED] They added a small fight with Necrolai
before the sentai footage actually kicks in. |
Since they were JUST attacked, they didnt have
a chance to tranform yet. |
[RESHOT] Since
they added a teeny morphed battle, this had to be redone in morphed form. |

"Necrolai" grabs Red and Green rangers by the
neck and wraps her lower legs around Blue's neck |

[RESHOT] Toned
down to arm grabs for Red and Green.. But Blue... Blue just wants to hold on for
dear life! |
"Necrolai" lets go of the ranger's throats |
[RESHOT] She let
goes of their arms instead. |
Awww MagiPink turns into a cute little pepper
shaker to make the monster sneeze |
BAD. They change it to her Fairy wings that sprout dust to make it sneeze. |
[CUT] Not sure why.. but they cut a side shot
of MagiYellow firing his bowgun. Well.. okay.. |
[N/A] |
But what IS
kept, is the shooting to the screen.. that's OKAY now? |
[CUT] MagiYellow whaps MagiRed in the head,
with a hollow thunk sound. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] Before finishing the roll call, theres a
neat slide puzzle type graphic appearing on the screen. |
[N/A] |
Also noting that
the roll call was trimmed down a bit. |
[CUT] MagiGaruda rams into the monster |
[N/A] |
Im surprised
they are using the name Garuda, 10 year olds don't know what that is.
But.. MagiFairy was turned into a Sprite? What IS Pink's power? Butterfly?
Fairy? Sprite? |
[CUT] MagiPheonix does a spinning kick on the
monster |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[CUT] MagiGaruda whaps MagiPhoenix in the
face. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[CUT] Right after MagiGreen saves MagiRed from the worm monster, Hidiacs and a
general attack |
[N/A] |
This is good to
get rid of because they randomly bring out a trapeze and start doing attacks
from it, which really make no sense -_- |
In Magiranger, as soon as they grow, MagiRed
is ready to battle with his sword.. but the other 4 start to glow and
start yelling out a formation, Red looks confused and left out |
Yeah you just
have to wonder why red looks all confused when the other 4 mention the dragon
formation. |