Mahou Sentai Magiranger Episode
"King of the Demons"
~Maagi, Jilma, Magi, Jinga~
Power Rangers Mystic Force
"Rock Solid"
Opening scene,
the monster attacks an asian male. |
[RESHOT]The scene was redone
(and toned down a teeny bit) with an american male. |
Kai breaks Urara's locket by accident, she
hates him for doing it. She walks away, alone. |
Nick bothers
Madison on how she never does anything but hide behind a camera. |
[CUT] A shot of a male statue within the
statue garden |
[N/A] |
Every other face
shown in the garden is from Magi. OMG ASIANS! |
MagiRed reacts to Nai and Mea to his left. |
Red reacts to
Necrolai to his right.
Why they felt to
change her location AND flip the footage is beyond me. |
[CUT] A shot of the Hades Beast's hands |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
the Beast grabs MagiRed by the head. |
Monster grabs
Red Ranger by the ...waist..

[CUT]MagiYellow and MagiGreen both attack the
beast before it attacks back The monster also grabs MagiPink by the neck. |
[N/A] |
It seems odd
because when the rangers are on the ground, Green and Yellow have their weapons
ready. |
Urara gets turned into stone due to her
running into the ray that was about to hit MagiRed |
Madison was
talking to some random guy, she tells him to run and gets hit with the ray. |
[N/A] |
For the first
time, this isnt an edit (oddly the wings look less dumb here..) This is
practically a new scene due to the scenery change. |
[CUT] After the beast turns civilians into
statues, the statues are then warped to that garden |
[N/A] |
The statueing
still happens.. but the warping does not. |
Kick to the face |
Kick to the
abdomen. |
Nai and Mei block the Bowgun's path |
Necrolai blocks the Crossbow's path.
Obviously by now we will not see a US adaption to those 2 girls. |
There is no fight like this. |
This bike here?
Never in Magiranger.
Why they feel to take MOST OF THE EPISODE with this bike is HORRIBLE. |
"Necrolai" attacks violently with hard direct
kicks to abdomens. |
[RESHOT] Toned
down so it seems like she's really hitting them >.> |
[N/A] |
[RESHOT[ Due to
the fact that the suit kinda shows a particular part of the female body that
shouldnt really be shown on childrens TV.
After MagiRed transforms, he attacks the beast
with his MagiSword |
[N/A] |
Red just shoots
in with his bike (added BTW)
Why is it that he has his staff in sword mode when he just got off his bike..
makes you wonder huh? |
MagiRed does his flame attack |
Mystic Red does
his.. uhh.. very expensive particle gust attack? |
Chunks of the beast fall to the ground |
[N/A] |
Which is kinda
weird, when Necrolai (which is RESHOT of Nai and Mea's kicking) kicks the
monster's head within the crystal ball. |
[CUT] In Magiranger, MagiKing's finisher
includes it throwing out alot of multishaped swords to appear on and around the
monster, then the circle slash attack. The first part is hardly used anyway. |
[N/A] |
The Sword
encasement was cut out but the circle slash is kept. But oddly when the circle
slash happens you DO see the swords around the monster. |