Hyakujuu Sentai GaoRanger
Episode #1
"The Lion Roars"
Power Rangers Wild Force Episode #1
[CUT] Turbine Org blasts through a window of a building and attacks a couple and
flys off. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[CUT] As Turbine Org fights GaoWhite, he spins his turbine arm and hits Gaowhite. |
Only the spinning is cut, but the
hitting is there. |
[N/A] |
[ADDED] They added a shot of Max
getting blown away underwater by Turbine Org. |
[CUT] GaoYellow smashes Turbine Org into a wall |
[CUT] The building they are fighting on explodes. |
[N/A] |
GaoEagle flies to the left. |
For some reason, they mirrored it so
Eagle Zord flies right instead. |
Kakeru eyes the scenery. |
Cole eyes the scenery.
Also note that they added a CGI Eagle Zord to the picture, heading toward the
mountain |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
For some odd reason, they added a rock
formation to cover up...actually I cant figure out what they are covering up. |
GaoRed's crystal comes from inside his hand. When GaoLion first meets him. |
Cole's crystal was given to him by the
people he grew up with. |
As soon as GaoRed received his crystal, he is teleported OFF the island and into
a Turtle-like building. |
[N/A] |
Cole stays ON the island.
[CUT] A shot of 2 people running away. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[CUT] When Turbine Org starts using his turbines, it throws innocent people into
walls. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
They used Gaoranger's morphing
sequence and pasted Cole's head on.
The same goes for the other 4 rangers. |
[CUT] After the first initial attack from GaoYellow to turbine org, He jumps off
the dam, and then attacks again. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] Throughout Gaoranger, everytime a ranger does their Roll Call, their names
are spelled out on the screen. |
[N/A] |
If you look hard in some episodes, you
can see the film bounce. |
Like the frame above,
GaoRed has a special effect for his name to popup, fire. While hes posing, fire
effects appear and then his name appears. |
Wild Force gets the pose but no
effects. |

[CUT] Three of the rangers scratch the ground before they pounce Plug Org. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] After Turbine Org blows GaoBlue and GaoYellow away, both rangers jump off
some rock and retaliate. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] Plug org uses his powers to pull Blue and Yellow towards him, and then
grabs them by the neck and shocks them. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] Every episode that has the "Savage Slash" there is Japanese lettering
behind the rangers. |
[N/A] |
In WF, you only see the sword go..
maybe halfway up in the air then you see it actually fully in the air due to
this. |
[CUT] When the finisher hits, Japanese lettering appears on the monster. |
[N/A] |
After Plug Org was destroyed, Turbine Org runs away and runs into 2 Duke Orgs.
Turbine org is covered in green slime, which makes him grow. |
[RESHOT] I believe they reshot
this to remove the green slime.