You just
see the car getting smashed. |
[CUT] The same
smashed car also blows up. |
[N/A] |
Succubus is
just another Monster. |
Oddly Morgana is a major character,
which may be a problem later on.
Also the ENTIRE battle in this forest has no cuts or edits. |
Not really a
critical thing, but after Jasmine is demorphed, Succubus proceeds to grab her by
the neck and drag her into a tree, then asks if she could join them and the
planet will be spared. She refuses of course. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] DekaRobo
fires a few more times at the firework cannon. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] DekaRobo
dodges an attack and fires at the robot. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[CUT] The
robot punches DekaRobo hard causing it to fall to the ground |
Oddly, after the sword is
deflected... they fall to the ground.. why is that? It didn't even look like the
deflect had THAT much force. |
No Lines. |
Comic Book Lines. |
[CUT] While on
the ground, they fire one more shot at the Robot. Which is deflected back at
them. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] This
entire fight had Jasmine driving the DekaRobo with rage. The others try to get
her attention to calm her down. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
Downward strike actually connected to the monster's head. The monster proceeds
to complain that his timing was horribly off. |
[RESHOT] Shadow Ranger's downward
strike is actually blocked by his hands. |
[CUT] The
monster starts punching Dekamaster in the chest repeatedly. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[CUT] After
Dekarobo is dragged off its feet, The robot punches Dekarobo repeatedly. The
robot punches the head of Dekarobo, shattering it and causing the Dekarangers to
demorph. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] The
robot continues to pummel Dekarobo, but then Jasmine gets out and tries to stop
it herself. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[ERROR] Wasn't
Z wearing civilian clothing before? I don't recall her wearing her uniform
before she morphed. |
DekaYellow throws her Ring Bombs at Succubus. |
[N/A] |
Dekamaster does a circling motion with his sword causing the monster to get
dizzy. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
Red Flames |
Blue Flames |
This shot IS
in Dekaranger. |
[ERROR] According to this shot, New
Tech City is in Japan. uhh.. Oops? :) |
Judgement Time |
[N/A] |
This scene was cut down a bit. |
You see the
front of the gun, with barrels blazing with bullets. |
[RESHOT] Apparently showing the
front barrels of a gun is a no-no. So the reshot it doing the same thing from a
side view.
Of course they added laser sounds in. |
"Devastation" kicks DekaMaster in the chest. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[CUT] As you
can see by the clock, This starts episode 22 for Dekaranger. This slice cuts
into the opening logo for the Super Sentai Series. |
[N/A] |
Succubus kicks
Dekayellow in the head. |
[RESHOT] Morgana sweep kicks SPD
Yellow. |

[CUT] DekaRed
proceeds to shoot "Shorty" ALOT. "Shorty" blocks all of the bullets and drops
the shells onto the ground. Then proceeds to slip on them. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] Succubus
grabs DekaYellow by the neck and tells her that she should have joined them. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[CUT] The
tower you see in SPD becomes the 3 brothers headquarters. |
[N/A] |
Of course since they are with
Morgana their headquarters is on Gruumm's ship. |
Numba 0 sends
a transmission saying they have send a member of the Special Fierce Criminal
Unit of SPD. |
Fowler Birdie sends a transmission
saying theres nothing they can do to fight this threat. |
On the way to
fight "Shorty" Ban and Jasmine get a transmission from a member of the SFCU
asking for their position. Ban says they have it under control. the SFCU officer
tells them to wait for him to arrive. They don't listen to him. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] A melee
battle with Shorty is cut out. Lots of head kicks and grabs. |
They cut back in when they bring out
their weapons. |
DekaRed gets
kicked in the head. |
[RESHOT] SPD Red blocks the kick
with his arms. |
[CUT] "Shorty"
hits DekaGreen in the chest with his fists while hes down. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[RESHOT] Im not exactly sure WHY
they reshot Blue firing in the air. They are both lasers.. Plus its too far to
show a gun barrel. Beats me. |
Apparently he
gets hit by bullets. |
Oh, Now I see why, They made it so
itll look like lasers when the shot changes. |
[CUT] Sen
thinks of a plan. DekaPink says Hi to the monster. The monster says Hi! back.
While his mouth is open, Jasmine throws ring bombs in his mouth. |
[N/A] |
officer calls them once again while they are about to fire Murphy. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
Murphy's Blast
hits him in the face and forces him backward. |
They made the blast bigger so it
doesnt look like his face is the only thing getting shot. |
[N/A] |
It was nice to see building
destruction once again.
"I Hate Empty Buildings"
That just makes it sound weird
Shortly after this update came online, I was told that by close captioning,
Shorty says
"I Hate Antique buildings"..
Antique? Thats a new one.. |