SPD Jumptubes sends the rangers to their correct zords
SPD Blue's Zord fires lasers with the shells digitally edited out and shot consensed in time
*sigh* They added comic book border lines.. Why?
Here, we have no explanation on WHY it fired. The footage was also put on the SPD Base's display screen
The monster does the same button combo, but what it did, was unknown
The comic book lines strike again. Although it does kinda make it look better in a way.
[RESHOT] They basically did the same thing, just to take out the bullet hole effect
SPD Red fires lasers with smoke end-trails! Okay maybe not..but it looks funny.
Click the Right Picture for the PR:SPD Judgement MP3. (Zipped.). Notice the difference. No "Judgement Time" or "Dun Dunn" sound.
[REPLACED] So.. a monster blew up and reappears.. just to be captured in a card? What's the point of that finisher then?
Power Rangers S.P.D. © Copyright Saban Brands 2012, All Rights Reserved.