Tokusou Sentai
Dekaranger Episode #8
"Rainbow Vision"
Power Rangers S.P.D.
"Sam, Part II"
In Dekaranger, the Green, Pink and Blue just jump in after firing at the
Orangehead. |
Pink jumps in but Green and Blue come in with their bikes..
After the 3 rangers save
Yellow and Red, Hikaru teleports himself and Orangehead out of the battle. |
After the 3 rangers save
Yellow and Red. Sam teleports Jack and Z with Orangehead to a Cliffside. |
This battle was not in
Dekaranger. |
From the part where Jack and Z are
dangling on the cliff, to the bike escape. Is all new footage. |
Flashback to where Jasmine
was young, Her powers couldn't be controlled at that age. She kept on hearing
people's thoughts. Later on in the flashback, She sees a murder happen and the
murder decides to kill her next, but is saved by Doggie Kruger. Telling her that
she should be happy about her gift. She joins SPD after Doggie talks to her. |
Flashback to where Z was young. She
was considered a freak in school due to her powers and runs away. Later on she
is picked on by other aliens but is saved by a person in a cloak with a "Spiral
Which Z later finds out that it was Doggie Cruger. |
[CUT] The famous Roll Call
appears once again. They do it outside the warehouse where the battle resides.
Due to the fact that they were
already inside the warehouse, This role call could not be done. |
Still outside the
warehouse, the Orangehead summons both Krybots and a bluehead to the battle. |
Since Krybots are already summoned.
Orangehead summons just the Bluehead. |
Still outside, Dekared
Kicks Bluehead through a wall. |
[RESHOT] Inside the warehouse, Jack
kicks Bluehead through a wall.. |
Bullets. |
This is only the beginning of this. |
[CUT] DekaGreen continues
to attack Krybots, and does a dropkick on one of them. |
[N/A] |
[CUT] At the beginning of
her attack, DekaPink uses her D-Arms to attack Krybots then kicks a Krybot in
the face. |
Right after the kick is where SPD
cuts in. |

[CUT] Inside DekaYellow's
bubble, the Krybots are tortured by Fire and then Water, then Wind, where
Krybots collide with each other. |
What confuses me is, Z said "Fiery
Confined Spaces"
Yet, this was cut out. Huh? |

[CUT] Bluehead and Dekared
have a Bullet battle at the beginning. While Bluehead's bullet has a blue streak
(which is also represented as a laser to SPD), DekaRed's is NOT. |
Heh, I had a feeling this scene was
going to hit the cutting room floor. |

More Bullet Action! |

More Laser Action! |
[N/A] |
[RESHOT] They redid the
explosion of Orangehead's attack.. |
DekaRangers land from the
explosion with fire scattered on the ground. |
{RESHOT] To do away with the fire.
All scenes where they get up, either are from Deka, but cut short to
delete any evidence of fire. Or Reshot because theres too much fire. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
Hmm, I know in Sam Part I
there was no cockpit like that. This is one of the rare times it happens.
Oh another note, Where are the white comic book lines they always put in? It
would be nice to be consistant. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[CUT] They cut the Megazord
firing MORE. The shot of the Megazord's gun reeling back after a shot was cut
out. |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |
[N/A] |